Want to go porn free? Read this now.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Resolved Oregonian, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    Mate. A lot of people say activities and cold showers and crap like that have helped them cut porn from their lives
  2. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    Ok that's cool. Stay in your dark room and fail again and again. Or you could stop feeling sorry for yourself and get better. U think u can't reach 11 days? Not with that attitude you can't. Just try for everyone on this site. Try to think you CAN make it to 11 days and then you say you CAN reach 20 days and 30 and 40 and so forth. With days going by your brain urgently tries to find a dopamine fix. Starve it out for months and there's that one day that porn is not there in your mind. Stick with it for your future.
    Willingtolearn and ErikJS like this.
  3. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    There are are plenty of people who use those strategies, and recommend them to others. But I have never talked to one single person who used "distraction activities" as their sole or primary porn-abstinence strategy who actually wrnt porn free long term. Everyone I've heard talk about them are the people stuck in relapse for years on end.
    ronkumar likes this.
  4. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    I think that the distractions help you when you start approaching those things that you naturally crave, maybe what you call 'organic' approaches. I needed a way to actively engage with decision making during the day, and so cold showers presented the option to reinforce "wrong" choices as an option. Now I feel more in control of my choices during the day. Intermittent fasting has cleared my mind to educate myself. I feel better, so I feel like more than a distraction it has become part of my lifestyle.

    In the first stages of leaving porn, I trust these distractions, or 'mental obstacles' as I call them, help to fan the fire of active thinking and change. I do believe that they shape your character as well, but it is true that you must follow a path that intends to change your psyche and not just your behavior.

    Interesting journey, happy you made it.
    Jewish girl and ErikJS like this.
  5. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    @MindfulAchilles , thank you for sharing your experience.
    I do not think "distraction activities" are bad in and of themselves. They can work to help keep us from relapse. Especially for someone who is newly working to get porn free, then can be particularly helpful. Here is my problem with them though. A lot of people on NoFap like to recommend distractions and hobbies as the "holy grail" of porn-abstinence. Often times they do this at the behest of actually having a porn-recovery plan. "Distraction" is not going to create long term porn abstinence. Period. You cannot sustain distractions or hobbies as an organic and long term lifestyle. It does not work. Inevitably you will find yourself in a scenario where your particular distraction is not available, and then you will relapse. Here is a wuestion for you. Are you going to be taking cold showers for the rest of your life? Is that sustainable? What happens when you are having hard core cravings and can't take a shower, or read a book, or leave a situation? It's inevitable. The long term solution to porn-addiction is building character. Period. And that starts with building a solid plan.
    ronkumar and Jewish girl like this.
  6. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    So, what are you doing to change this?
  7. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    These strategies have worked for a lot of people. So back off
  8. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    @FindingAName , obviously you did not read my post with thoughtful intent, or you would not be responding in such a childish manner. "Back off". Really? You disagree with my premise so you are using infantile hostility to respond to what you do not like (and obviously lack lucid comprehension of). Consider reading more closely what is being said before you respond like this next time.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  9. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    @Resolved Oregonian I believe those distractions bring results precisely because they change character. I don't think that the actual "amulet" of doing them is what keeps me off porn, but it presents the mind with a different option, an alternative thought pattern which in turn makes it easier to deal with urges. The constant action of dealing with a different outcome helps and strengthens character.

    I agree that plans are great. I just don't exactly understand what kind of plans you propose, I also don't know how you build a character from decision alone and not through smaller actions. If you can explain that, I'd be happy to learn something new for my reboot.
  10. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    What I say is correct and if you don't like it. Back off
  11. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    @MindfulAchilles , yes I agree that "planned distraction activities" can help to take your focus off of temptation to look at porn. And yes, the action of doing so can help build a certain type (self-control) of character over time. Which is a good thing. But I also think they are self-limiting. Aside from self-control, I don't think you are investing in actively building your character. Why not choose habits that are going to actively build your character? Also, as already mentioned. Distraction activity is not long-term sustainable. Why not build the habits now that you are going to be able to practice for the rest of your life?
    And you are right, I am not proposing building character from decision alone, it is through specific action, but specific actions.
    Firstly, I almost always recommend to guys to create a why statement and an 8 step recovery plan if they want to go porn free. Within that recovery plan is " daily self-care habits". More specifically what i personally like to do is; "The Miracle Morning" for my daily routine. @MindfulAchilles , questions?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    ronkumar likes this.
  12. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Lol. Good to see that you have jokes.
  13. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    Podcasts, meditation, etc.

    I'm still asking, what 'action' do you consider character building and how does it differ from what others claim to be working for them? What kind of list of whys did you make? What kind of new behaviors did you embrace? How are you not limiting yourself by using them and only them (to the point of deciding that nobody but you will sustain it), but all the rest of us here are?
  14. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    @MindfulAchilles , I will elaborate on what I already eluded to which is that I practice The Miracle Morning, which is a daily routine that I practice. The first thing I do when I wake up is spend 10 minutes reading, 20 minutes writing, 10 minutes practicing gratitude, 10 minutes in meditation, 10 minutes (or more) of exercise, 10 minutes of visualization, 10 minutes of of self-affirmation.

    These are all the "specific" activities I participate in that actively build my character. Some of these are what others are practicing for their self care. But I think most do not have a strong and consistent daily practice.

    Here is my "why" and "life mission statement":

    Why statement; "I am moving forward with a clear mind, and choosing to be a lucid and critical thinker."

    Supporting statement; "Lucid and critical thinking is a key to building my successful present and future."

    Life Mission Statement: "To use my gifts of intelligence, writing, articulation, creativity, and humor to achieve my best life, and influence others to do the same."

    The new behaviors I'm embracing tie in directly with my daily routine, as my daily routine is building the character I need to daily pursue my active goals.

    And can you pls elaborate on the statement; "How are you not limiting yourself by using them.......deciding that nobody else but you....." ?
  15. _overcomer_

    _overcomer_ Fapstronaut

    I actually failed again :(
  16. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear. What are you going to do to change that this time around?
  17. Sozboss92

    Sozboss92 Fapstronaut

    Pretty much. I need some general things to try to do every day. I know a lot of things to avoid. But that just leaves me with nothing to do.
    LEPAGE likes this.
  18. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

  19. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    Great. These are good distractions that help you channel your energy into something good and positive that grows you and develops your character. I believe that most people work the same way, albeit a bit differently and become porn free.

    What I meant is that you bring up your methods, those that helped you specifically, and make them the absolute (limit yourself), whilst holding that all other approaches will meet failure (you alone know the right path). I've seen people here who work harder on meditation, visualization, and affirmation who fail constantly and keep resetting their counters, and some who don't work on that and affect behavioral changes only and make it with almost no effort. I don't think you can denounce those who teach about what you consider distractions while maintaining that your way is different in every way. What you mentioned is precisely what I and many others consider distractions. I'm not ashamed to call it what it is because that's what I've been doing for a long time (perhaps in a less religious way than you have). It points my mind away from destructive patterns of thought, channels energy towards developing a different person that I want to be with different thoughts, beliefs and behavioral patterns and - yes - I will become different and reach a goal. Or not. Eventually, it comes down to choices, but I do completely agree that it encourages greater and deeper change. I'm not about just deciding, tweaking a little and white knuckling it. It didn't help me, that's why I believe we agree about the inner change that has to follow the journey with nofap.

    Not fighting here. Hope that's not the tone you're picking up from me.
  20. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    @MindfulAchilles , I appreciate the dialogue. And we do agree on some points. Although I think you are misinterpreting a number of points I am making.
    Let's not mince words about semantics. Distraction by definition has to do with being "amused, entertained, or diverted from." And that is not what I am advocating. I am not recommending self-care activities for the purpose of abstaining from Porn, but for the purpose of becoming a better human being. A "better human being" by nature does not choose to look at porn because they have the character to sustain that choice. Abstinence follows the matured character. I believe that is a different approach to sobriety.
    Where are you getting that; "most people work the same way, with different approaches and get the same results."?

    Most people in this community are not getting long term sobriety, and what they are doing is not working well. Who are these people that you are purporting that focus on "distraction activities" that go porn free long term?
    Also, it's extremely presumptuous to make the statement that I'm espousing that; "my methods work and nobody else's does." This is nothing more than a reductio ad absurdism.

    Not "all roads" lead to sobriety. This is true with any addiction. If it were not true, then everyone could just go Lone Ranger in whatever capacity they choose in order to gain abstinence. There would be no need for a community of people with a similar struggle, and no need for universal tools that work for going porn free. I am using some universal principles. I have never said; "My way is the only way." But there is a more narrow path that those of us who go porn free choose to follow, and yes, it does include certain principles.

    But most of the people who approach porn-abstinence without a strong plan, especially those who have a deeper issue do not go porn free. So, I am writing my messages with those people in mind.
    Also, most of these people who go around recommending "distraction activity" not only have little to no length of abstinence, but they do not have a plan aside from distractions.

    And you did not answer my questions about "what do you do when in the heat of temptation and no distraction activities are available?" Guys are confronted with this all of the time and end up back in the relapse loop.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017