1000 Days of No PMO

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AModernMiroku, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    Friends, peace,

    This entry is meant to cover in detail the 11th consecutive 90 day streak (which would be marked at DAY 990).

    Because I am late to the posting, I decided to also commemorate DAY 1000 in the title itself--but the analysis will definitely focus on the 90 day period.

    As usual, here are some links to add context to my journey:

    My Journal
    90 Days of No PMO Success Story
    180 Days of No PMO Success Story
    365 Days of No PMO Success Story
    450 Days of No PMO Success Story
    540 Days of No PMO Success Story
    630 Days of No PMO Success Story
    720 Days of No PMO Success Story
    810 Days of No PMO Success Story
    900 Days of No PMO Success Story

    Honestly, at this point, I cannot remember much of this journey. I vaguely suspect that, by & by, it was a time marked by nothing in particular. At worst, perhaps a week or two of harder days--but more likely, days of boredom & loneliness than anything else.


    Upon review, it does seem like my time was aptly remembered. I forgot some of the events (& there were actually a lot of unique events, travels, & friends in this period of time that are actually worth remembering)--but the overall feeling as described was close to the mark.

    It seemed to be a time with heavier dosages of sadness, loneliness, & easier annoyance. Among the top issues that were unique to this time or just started included...

    -lots of roommate issues (getting left out on the regular; him changing his schedule so that it clashed with mine on the regular; his general loudness taking an increase in volume)

    -Temptations to "normal" things. It seemed like a peak year for short-short fashion for men, & this was a terrible bane & trial for me (given my SSA).

    Despite these lows, I tend to think that I was pretty "flatline" (not in NoFap terminology but if you were to graph my overall mood) this time around. There were not really many highs or lows. It was somewhere in-between, & it seemed dry.

    Much of my time focused on work. Other periods of my time felt restless (again, see roommate issue--I might return home but not wish to be home or thus feel like I did not have rest in my own space).

    The times in the chapel, overall, seemed to likewise continue a downward trend. I still maintained my discipline, but the holy hour was likely more of a 40-50 minute thing prior to Mass. I have been remedying this lately--but I need to definitely get my act together.

    I think that my writing has also become more terse. I have been trying to spend less time online. This can give a false impression of not being as successful in NoFap or perhaps not as deep. But upon review, it does seem that I did have deep moments of prayer & reflection...these simply did not make it into the Journal.

    It is a shame because I cannot revisit these memories...but then again, there are pros & cons to these things. And one of the goals of NoFap is to "regain one's life". Which would mean less posting &c. in the long run.

    Likewise, there were periods of great discipline. I noted a solid streak of prayer times wherein I was focused & more-or-less took command of myself & stamped out my own distractions. This is a hopeful note--& I need to remember it--for lately these days, I have been more discouraged, & discouragement can make it harder to kill off the thoughts.

    Especially in the tail-end of this 90-day streak, there was a kind of renewal in prayer & discipline. I initiated an evening chapel time to make up for shorter mornings, & I likewise said some of the minor hours of the Divine Office. There was also a greater emphasis on going to the sacrament of Confession with greater frequency. So, again, there is something good here, despite the general lonely feeling that lingers.

    Lastly, as far as I can tell: I started a new workout routine that is much harder than what I had done before--& at least two people (not including myself in that number) have commented on the change. I think that I see the change--& I at least can definitely see the change in the workouts that I can actually achieve.

    But I suppose that is that.

    In summary, it was a kind of lonely & desert-like 90 days. It seemed full of stressors & boring situations. But...even so, I carry on.

    As usual, if you have questions, please let me know.

    God bless,
    A Modern Miroku
  2. Frassvelli

    Frassvelli Fapstronaut

    Congratulations my friend! Welcome to the Thousand Club! The number will just keep rising, with God's grace and your own perseverance of course. May you never lose hope and strength to keep persevering in spite of hardships, loneliness, doubts, and fears.
    Kratos_GOW, Ammar2, Atibhu and 2 others like this.
  3. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    @Frassvelli Thanks! It always means a lot to hear words of encouragement from you.
    Pray for me!

    God bless,
    Kratos_GOW and Frassvelli like this.
  4. Sphinx12-

    Sphinx12- Fapstronaut

    You are an inspiration!
    Thank you and keep going.
  5. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    @Sphinx12- Your words are too kind. Thank you for stopping by!

    God bless,
    Sphinx12- likes this.
  6. Congratulations!
    May be if you share your plan, techniques and methods will be useful for me because I used to use many plans, read books, watching tutorials..etc in other communities but I couldn't hit 90 days, so look forward to your response.
    Atibhu and AModernMiroku like this.
  7. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    Do you have any questions in particular? That would help me narrow in & provide more concrete & useful information (coloured, of course, by my own experiences).

    For me, it has been a lot of trial & error. And patience. And, to be fair, suffering. There is a mental, spiritual, emotional, & physical pain in this warfare.
    Other things...
    Learning from failures.
    Having solid, in-real-life accountability & transparency
    Striving after virtue (in the classical sense)
    Prayer Prayer Prayer
    Attempts at a balanced, healthy life (fitness, food)
    Improvements in living situations (work, living quarters)
    Study & reading good books (for inspiration, leisure, learning, finding role models, etc.)

    I go in more detail elsewhere. If you want to see some things I already covered, I might recommend looking at my earlier success stories & their comments (my earlier postings generally had more information) or my journal (which can be a large task at this point...).

    And again, if you have more concrete questions, please let me know.
    Thanks for stopping by.

    God bless,
    Ammar2 likes this.
  8. Thanks for interesting and helping bro

    First, I need an acountability partner and i need you to recommend someone to me or even a group or something because the AP section is not useful here and posting their for new accounts is forbidden.

    Second, I think to success in this warfare, we should focus on the little details and these details may be the mistake which push us to PMO, so I need the knowledge which made you stronger and the little details which helped you to pass this war

    One of the best thoughts which i had planted in my head is that the PMO is not a natural relationship between man and woman, and practicing PMO won't change anything and won't give me what i need from a woman, it can delay feeling ho*rny only until i need to practive it agian....etc.

    Third, What did techniques you use to escape from the desire to practice PMO especially if it attacked strongly?

    I need some thoughts like this!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2023
  9. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    @Quartzite : Unfortunately, I must be quick. I cannot give you a long response due to my limited time here. But I can elaborate further at need or when time presents itself to me. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask.

    With that said, here is my initial response:

    I do not really have much to offer you here on NoFap in that regard--I do not manage groups or have a series of connections.

    I have found that section useful, & I am not acquainted with the restriction that you reference. However, if memory serves me...some functions on NoFap might be delayed for new users? I cannot remember.

    If you want an AP here, sometimes it just takes a bit more time. If you interact long enough, start a journal, etc., you are bound to find like-minded & friendly people who might be your AP.

    That said, my original suggestion was, again, in real life as opposed to here. Support here is good, but it is not the same as having someone with whom you can meet & suffer with & have on call at any time.

    Offhand, it is hard to say. I think one needs a proper attitude of not giving up. Not everything comes all at once--especially since these habits likewise did not develop all at once but were formed (likely enough) over many years.

    I think one also needs to be clear with goals. It is easy to make excuses for yourself--so if you know your goals, it is harder to make these excuses.

    At first, I was very prone to calling my IRL accountability partner. He signed up for this, & he knew how deep I was in it. So he really was available at any time (& I mean any time). Having others shine a light on our darkness is a great aid. So often we blind ourselves & our consumed with passion that clouds reason. It can be almost impossible to get out of that. But if you have the foresight to reach out to a friend, he can be a voice of reason when your own reason is darkened. Often enough, this is enough to sober the mind.

    But I had regular recourse to prayers as well.

    But I did not really have a technique. I just knew that I had to keep going--& this often meant struggling along. So, again, not giving up is key. Every little gain is of great import. Even if one takes some steps backwards, not all is lost. It all adds up in the long run.
  10. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! This is a fantastic read and an exceptionally good testimony for those skeptical about recovery.

    Instead of looking at the specific amount of days, which is absolutely amazing, I focus on the concept of a complete lifestyle change, which appears to be the case after a long 1000 days. I've gotten too hung up on the "streak" and noticed how hard I am on myself during past relapses because of the streak. Therefore, this go around I'm focusing on a complete lifestyle change. The days will add up but paying attention to the number is not priority one.

    Thank you for the inspiration and the well documented journey. Those of us in the community who struggle to believe it's possible can certainly take note to your success.

    Wishing you the best going forward. I look forward to hearing about what the future holds.
  11. You reply is very very helpful and I want to save this quote
    "he can be a voice of reason when your own reason is darkened."
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  12. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    Yes--this much is true! If you read the earlier success stories--especially the first few in the link or the start of my journal--you will note a marked difference. Some points in the journey are very rough. There was one point I even was close to resetting.

    This is one of the reasons that I journal; there is at the very least a bit more concrete "data" to pull from. After all, the memory is so hazy.

    In short: If I can do it, you are likely able to do it, too! Rome was not built in a day--nor was this streak!

    God bless,
  13. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Absolutely! Good stuff bro! Keep it up.
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  14. Mohammad1381

    Mohammad1381 Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 1000 day and keep going brother
    I just have very important question and its very important for me i just wanna a now after 90 days after seeing a sex scene in a movie or sexy picture that pop out in instagram or in ads what is your mind response to them because i relapsed on 45+ day because the temptations wouldn't go away even very little but they still bothers me i just wanna know after 90 or even 180 days they woud go away
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  15. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    To put it simply: Things get easier. They really do.

    If I see such things--which occurs from time to time (billboards, magazines, YouTube ads [which really really bothers me...because children & young people use YouTube, too!], etc.)--I am often fine & can move on with facility.

    Even with more triggering situations, I find myself mostly find.

    The worst times for me seem to be seasonal or when I let a memory that "randomly" appeared take too much hold.
    The seasonal stuff is largely out of my control; people's lives tend to go in seasons.
    As for the memories: I am getting better at "stopping them at the gate."

    Please note, however, that I really avoid a lot of bad situations to begin with. And I tend to take to simpler pleasures these days, like reading, or praying, or talking, or working out. Tangible things--whether or not I am good at them at all, for that matter.

    I hope that helps.

    God bless,
    Bradziggler1990 and Semtex like this.
  16. Mohammad1381

    Mohammad1381 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations brother you're a true warrior
    I just have a question at this point what you feel about porn and masterbation after 3 years
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  17. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Amazing accomplishment.
    Ammar2 and AModernMiroku like this.
  18. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    @Mohammad1381 , @nomo : Thank you both for stopping by--unfortunately, I cannot say much more at present. I am trying to reduce my time online.

    If you have more questions, you can always ask via a message. As for Mohammad's question: I think you asked something similarly above, if I am not mistaken? I would need you to clarify the question more for me to give a better answer.

    At any rate--I am in a rush. I cannot give you much more than that at present, unfortunately

    God bless,
    Bradziggler1990 likes this.
  19. Thank you for your testimony.

    I just broke my streak of no illicit sex with strangers at day 88, and failed to reach 90 days. And I feel like such a failure and hypocrite. I don’t feel God’s Grace and am so depressed. I can’t imagine how my wife would feel if she ever found out….it’s so brutal.

    So hearing your story of success is such a breath of fresh air. It gives me such hope.

    Thanks bro
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  20. Isaac Newton2006

    Isaac Newton2006 Fapstronaut
